Clients Gone Wild: The Silent Deal-Breaker You Never Saw Coming

Dive into the secret that separates thriving freelancers from the rest. Warning: It’s not what you think!

K.B. the Author
5 min readMar 22, 2024
Man walking across a cityscape on a high-wire.
Don’t get tripped up by this client red flag! Image Credit: K.B. the Author (AI-Generated Image)

If you’re any kind of freelancer or service provider, there’s a harsh reality you must be aware of: the difference between a good and bad client relationship is often one small decision away. And it’s not a decision you’re going to make.

I’m talking about respect.

I’d bet more contracts have gone sour over a lack of respect than for any other reason. Even if you screen your clients well, you can be months or years into a working relationship when disrespect rears its ugly head.

Why is disrespect so bad? Does it matter how they feel as long as I’m getting paid? I can’t control others, right?

If these thoughts are going through your head, don’t worry—you’re not turning into a doormat, you’re just trying to get paid and not rock the boat.

When money’s on the table, lines get blurred. Personal boundaries go out the window and you’re focusing on getting that next check. This can lead to people-pleasing and backing down, which only doubles the disrespect.



K.B. the Author

Writer & automation architect, building bespoke solutions for bussin' brands.